Episode 4


NEW episode 4


discover some people that have risked their lives, and others that have lost loved ones. Be ready, as we face intense moments.

English / Français / Português / Español / 한국어
(soon in Deutsch)

DARLENE CUNNINGHAM (YWAM Co-Founder) — LOUIS MARTIN (Missionary Kid) — ABBY LUNA (Photographer, Graphic Designer) — DAN BAUMANN (International Speaker) — NADIA CAROLINA (Staff UOFN School) — PAUL & RACHEL DANGTOUMDA (YWAM Founders Nigeria)


Episode 3


Discover enterprising people in the most influential spheres of modern society: arts, entertainment and business. From New York to Paris, we visit exclusive places that challenge our view of the Holy Ground.

English / Français / Deutsch / Português / Español / 한국어

LANDA COPE (Teacher / Researcher) — BEN SIEKMEIER (Entrepreneur) — DAVID CUNNINGHAM (Film Director) — NOEMIE PONS (Arts) — EVA MONNIER (Entrepreneur) — CHRISTINA & SHANE NEARMAN (Models for Christ) — and others


Episode 2


In this seconde episode, meet pioneers that are finding innovative ways of making healthcare accessible, helping refugees, working alongside governments against social injustice and human trafficking. Prepare yourself as we navigate through powerful and sensitive moments.

English / Français / Deutsch / Italiano / Español / Português / 한국어

BRETT CURTIS (YWAM Ships) — DON STEPHENS (Mercy Ships) — SALOME WIEDMER (Refugees) — ROBERTO AGOSTA (Swiss Limbs) — BENJAMIN NOLOT (Exodus Cry) — and others


Episode 1

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In this first episode, we will discover true stories of missionaries such as Loren Cunningham who responded to a vision from God, and saw supernatural provision and multiplication.

Who are these evangelists traveling the world? What are their motivations? Their courage and compassion are impacting nations and transforming lives. These stories of faith and perseverance will surprise and inspire you.

English / Français / Deutsch / Italiano / Español / Português / 中文 / 日本語 / 한국어

LOREN & DARLENE CUNNINGHAM (YWAM Founders) — CHRISTOPHE & RHONDA ULYSSE (Evangelist) — JANICE ROGERS (Writer) — SUNAWH PARK (Evangelist) — KEVIN STARK (Missionary) — ANDY BYRD (Fire and Fragrance Leader) — and others

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Production & Distribution

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Fragrance of Faith is a documentary film series of unique and authentic stories from heroes of faith in this decade. You will hear from people who make an impact in different spheres of society , such as: art, mission, government, business, medical care, family.

Filmed on different continents, rich or poor, famous or unknown, they recount journeys of obedience, faith, and perseverance in both their successes and their trials. We will discover transformed lives and see the impact those have on society and nations.